Turkmanoglu Agricultural Products is a Turkish company that operates in the field of agriculture, food processing, and export of agricultural products to different countries around the world. One of the main products exported by the company is carrots. Here is an overview of the process of harvesting, packing, and exporting carrots from Turkey to multiple countries on behalf of Turkmanoglu Agricultural Products:


Harvesting Carrots: The process of harvesting carrots begins when they are fully ripe. Carrots are hand-picked or harvested using specialized harvesting machines, and the harvested carrots are transported to logistic centers.


Cleaning and Sorting: After harvesting, carrots are cleaned and sorted according to international standards and customer requirements. Dirt, impurities, excessive roots, leaves, and other unwanted parts of the carrots are removed to ensure high quality.


Packing and Packaging: After cleaning and sorting, carrots are packed and packaged in suitable containers according to customer requirements and international standards. Plastic bags, wooden crates, or certified plastic containers may be used to ensure the preservation of carrot quality during the shipping and export process.


Exporting Carrots: With the assistance of Turkmanoglu Agricultural Products, the packed and packaged carrots are exported to the target countries.

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